Our path to sustainability

As a responsible and diverse group of companies with over 135 years of tradition, we pursue long-term economic, ecological and social development goals.

In 2022, we initiated a sustainability strategy at Group level. This was based on hundreds of stakeholder surveys. Based on their feedback, we formulated key concepts and carried out a comprehensive inventory of all material and energy flows in the Group.

Focus on sustainability

Since 2023, we have been working across the Group on the central pillars of our sustainability strategy: economic efficiency, environmental protection and social responsibility.

In doing so, we are promoting cooperation between our various divisions. Our long-standing efforts in the areas of environmental protection, digitalization and occupational safety are now coordinated across divisions.

We strive to embed our sustainability strategy institutionally, in particular through training, reporting, compliance with guidelines and quality management.


As the basis for the preparation of the Group-wide sustainability report, the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) standard was adopted for the Kirchdorfer Group in a cross-divisional project from summer 2022 and prepared in intensive groundwork and with the necessary training. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) of the European Union, under whose jurisdiction the majority of Kirchdorfer Group companies are located, served as a guiding concept.

Many thousands of hours of work went into creating the basis for a report that contains all the important information about our Group’s progress (including an inventory and a solid database).

In addition to the contributions of around 70 internal and external experts, input from over 500 stakeholders (employees, customers, management, banks and authorities) was also incorporated into the definition of Kirchdorf’s sustainability strategy on the basis of the United Nations’ Social Development Goals (SDG).

Strategy planning


In fall 2022, we conducted a large-scale stakeholder survey in 12 languages and 22 countries across the entire Group. The survey determined which of the 17 SDGs are relevant to the Kirchdorfer Group’s various development goals.

We have defined ten important development goals and transformed them into five directions for the Kirchdorfer Group:

  • Finished products
  • Circular economy
  • CO2-emissions
  • Energy
  • Labor force


With over 50 individual companies at almost 90 locations in the Kirchdorfer Group, we have a large material input and output flow and a substantial demand for energy and raw materials. As a basis for the Group-wide sustainability strategy, all material and energy flows were therefore analysed and their ongoing monitoring institutionalized with corresponding IT resources.

In addition to the development of a Group-wide energy balance and the associated reporting, our focus is on the following areas:

  • Finished products
  • Labor force
  • Energy supply
  • Raw material supply

On this basis, we as the Kirchdorfer Group set ourselves clearly measurable and quantifiable development goals. We want to use these to continuously optimize all material and energy flows. This also provides us with an efficient analysis and reporting structure that will enable us to realize decisive productivity gains and market opportunities in the future.

More facts about sustainability

Our sustainability folder




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Do you enjoy sharing your knowledge with others?

Did you know that we use recycled car tires in cement production?

The motto here is ‘Recycling old tires instead of disposing of them.’ In Ohlsdorf, Upper Austria, the only used tire recycling plant in Austria is located. Kias Recycling GmbH, a joint venture between ART and the Kirchdorfer Group, supplies this valuable alternative fuel for our cement plant. This plant is renowned globally for its cleanest cement production.


Do you like to think outside the box?

Do you believe that we manufacture stairs for fish?

Fish ladders assist fish in overcoming barriers such as dams or hydroelectric power plants. The unique Kirchdorfer fish passage system is a clever prefabricated system, much like LEGO blocks. In Austria, it has been used to build the highest fish passage in Europe.


Construction sites and a hammer in hand are totally your thing?

Did you know that we are part of the largest photovoltaic facade system in Austria?

In 2023, our joint venture Martini Beton renovated its office building. The exterior transformation resulted in an integrated PV facade that annually produces environmentally friendly solar power equivalent to the energy consumption of around 50 single-family homes.


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